Island hopping for everyone - downwinder for intermediate kitesurfer!

Gespeichert von Alex am Mi, 03/22/2017 - 02:46

Tablas island became our second home as we have done many trekkings through the mountains and rice fields of the local fisherman. This day trip is created for everyone to explorer the beauty of the Philippines. Kitesurfer can do a downwinder from Tablas back to Boracay island accompanied by the boat.

Kitesurfing Downwinder from Tablas Island back to Funboard Center Boracay.Kitesurfing back to Funboard Center from Tablas to Boracay Island in less than one hour.Kitesurfer and company on the way to Tablas Island with local outrigger boat.A beautiful day to start the day trip by boat from Boracy to Tablas Island.Our local kite and windsurf instructor are proud to show their home on Tablas Island.Kitesurfers from Funboard Center Boracay climbing to the peak of Tablas Island.Kitesurfer from Funboard Center Boracay explorer the beauty of Tablas Island.Idyllic landscape on Tablas Island in the Philippines.BBQ with local fish before starting the kitesurfing downwinder back to Boracay.Last briefing from Taner before the downwinder from Tablas to Boracay IslandA great scenery at the start of the downwinder on Tablas Island on unspoiled beaches.Taner Aykurt from kitextreme is ready for the downwinder back to Boracay Island Helga from kitextreme Turkey is starting her first downwinder.Sailing into the sunset from Tablas to Boracy Island for all non kitesurfer.
