Willkommen auf der kleinen Sandinsel Seco.
Rusty Young ist der australische Autor des Bestsellers Marching Powder. Als Windsurfer hat er zum Schreiben seines zweiten Buch eine Auszeit auf Boracay gewählt und war einige Wochen zu Gast am Funboard Center. Seine Neugierde weckte das Interesse am Kiteboarden und nach nur kurzer Zeit beherrschte er die Kunst des Kitens. Das Ende seines Aufenthalts belohnte er mit einer Kite-Safari nach Seco Island und hält seine Eindrücke wie folgt fest...
Welcome to the tiny, sand island of Seco.
Length: 400 metres
Population then: 0
Population now: You and your friends
Weather: Hot - damn hot - with 25 knot winds,
Distance from rescue: 50km of rough sea
You arrived here through hair-raising 3 metre swells on a flimsy-looking wooden outrigger boat with no life jackets, radio, life raft, compass or cell phone coverage... You are completely saturated and no longer wondering why so many people die in Asian ferry accidents...You will sleep on the sand... You will eat whatever you carried, cooking it using the firewood you brought. There are no luxuries here - only tiny shrubs, white sand and blistering wind. But you have just purchased your first kiteboard and the offshore breeze is ideal, so you and your friends start carving it up as the sun goes down.
And it’s all worth it. Feeling the sudden lift then rip on your waist-harness as the kite launches you further and further into the air, you dangle from the clouds like a sky puppet It’s been a long day, but you’re high on adrenalin. And after enough Tanduay (which you’ve never heard of, even though it’s the world’s highest-selling rum) you decide that you should go kiteboarding again... at night. It’s slightly crazy, but you do it anyway, and you love it.
Your friends want to trade lives with you. You refuse:Now that you’re a sky puppet, you feel that, quite possibly, you could jump higher than the sun…