Unforgetable impression of the International Dragonboat Race at white Beach, Boracay Island

Gespeichert von Simone am Sa, 05/05/2012 - 00:24

That's our women's team with the best looking uniform. Most of the strong backs are coming from kite-and windsurfing. Thanks to all sponsores as funboard center boracay, Cafe del mar, Lemon Cafe and My boracay





Last briefing for the men's team before the first heat...







Boracay womens team are on the way to the starting line in crystal-clear water at the beautiful White Beach






Great ambiance at the White Beach. The audience took rather place in the water than at the beach to receive us with cheers.






These are the "Masters". All above 40, but till sexy and strong enough to get Silver. Congrates, Ladies!






That's the race of 500m! Loooooooooooong strokes brought us into the final
